Kiss Naturals Review

Kiss Naturals was very kind and sent me over 4 of their DIY kits in exchange for my honest review.
I received their lava lip gloss, lip balm, glycerine soap, and the bath fizzie.


These kits are SO fun! They are recommended for ages 6 and up, but as long as you are helping your little one, you can easily have younger kids do these kits.

The first kit that we did was the Bath Fizzie kit. I love that the directions are easy to follow and they provide everything minus the water. They provide the mold which are cute little hearts. I did these with my 6 year old cousin, she thought these were "so cute and cool" As soon as these were hardened, she had to jump in the tub so she could test these out for herself. She was so proud when these bath fizzies fizzed up and made the bath smell so nice and turned the water into a light pink color.


Next I used the glycerine soap kit. The kit makes 16 individual soaps and comes with 2 different color soap colors. I mixed the 2 to get the pretty purple bear you see above. Once again, the instructions were easy to read and they provide everything you need. Once again, I made these with my little cousin and she is at the perfect age for these. She wants to do everything independently and she pretty much can do everything herself. I like how these don't need a TON of time to set up. Once the soaps were poured into the molds she was super eager to get them out and use them. Her and my favorite scent was the tropical sunset. 

Another reason why I love these kits, is that they are not only cute and fun, nut they use good natural ingredients. You don't have to worry about whats going into the items you are making. I haven't used the lip balm and the lava lip gloss yet, we are saving those for a rainy day. :) I am super into these DIY kits and will be getting these again for sure. Head over to their site to get some for yourself.

Disclosure: I received one or more products for the exchange for my honest opinion. I only recommend product that I would use personally or believe would be a good fit with my readers. All opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."


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