Hand Crafted Goodies Review

Hand Crafted Goodies was VERY kind and sent me over a bunch of goodies to review. Adriana is the owner and the one who makes all of the amazing products. You can find her HERE on Etsy. Adriana is SO sweet! The items she sent me were 4 cloth diaper liners, 4 cloth diaper inserts, 2 facial washcloths, and 1 hand towel. All of which are made from100% hemp and cotton.
She also sells other hemp and cotton items such as, facial rounds, napkins, nursing pads, baby blankets, sports towels, and more.

All of her items come with a little info sheet for those aren't familiar with hemp/cotton products. 


The two items shown above are the facial washcloths and the hand towel. I can't even explain how soft these are! Hemp and cotton are natural fibers which are great for you skin. The facial washcloths are amazing for washing your face morning and night. These are gentle and feel amazing on your skin. Hemp is one of the most absorbent materials out there which makes this hand towel extra awesome! There is nothing worse than drying your hand one time on a towel and its soaking wet after one use. You don't have to worry about that with these!


These are her cloth diaper liners. For those aren't familiar with cloth diapers, liners add a little absorbency to diapers that just don't quite make it long enough without it. I paired her liners to a thirsties natural all in one. I placed the liner in the very back, behind the attached inserts. The trick to adding boosters or liners is putting the most absorbent material in the back of the diaper and the fast absorbent materials in the front to wisk moisture away from the baby. As you can see from the picture above, the diaper was not bulky at all, and still fit under clothes without having to be sized up. Not only do I love how absorbent these are but I love the detail she puts into it. She used colored thread which makes them look pretty. Which is ironic because poo and pee goes on them, but I appreciated the cuteness factor! 


Next up are the cloth diaper inserts. These are thicker than the liners and give you a lot of absorbent power. I used 2 inserts in my favorite pocket diapers and you can see from the picture above that the diaper was not bulky! In fact, pairing 2 inserts with a pocket diaper made a SUPER diaper but it also is one of the thinnest diapers I have! Most inserts that aren't hemp or cotton are bulky and makes you size up a size or 2 for clothes.

The last and final picture is me comparing the thickness of the regular insert and the liner. The orange thread is the insert and the purple thread is the liner. You can see the difference in thickness. Both are VERY absorbent and do a great job! These are by far my favorite inserts and liners that I have EVER tried with my diapering system. I highly recommend trying out Hand Crafted Goodies! I will be purchasing more of these for our collection. I love the idea of supporting independent business owners such as Adriana.  You will not regret ordering some of her products!  

Disclosure: I received one or more products for the exchange for my honest opinion. I only recommend product that I would use personally or believe would be a good fit with my readers. All opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."


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