
After getting strep throat and a sinus infection just a few weeks before my wedding, I decide I needed to start taking something daily to help boost my immune system. I am like a child and I can not swallow pills so I turned to Emergen-C in Strawberry Kiwi flavor.  Now, I know some people think that this is medicine and will help with your flu, it does give you your daily doses of vitamin c which will help with healing but it will not make you completely better.

Image result for emergen-c strawberry kiwi
I started taking one of these a day and I can honestly say I feel better. I never took a daily vitamin so I cant say I know how they actually affect your, but I will more energized, my overall health has definitely increased sense taking this. I wasn't a huge fan of the flavor at first, it is VERY strong but the more I took it the more the I became used to it. I had to start off with using almost double the water they tell you to use because I couldn't handle how strong it was, no I use one packet with 6oz of water and just chug it down.


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