Crayon Rocks With Coupon Code
For those of you who don't know, mental health plays a HUGE part in my life! I have been affected by people with special needs my entire life; between family with special needs and working with people with special needs, you could say I have a passion for it. Recently I was given the opportunity to try Crayon Rocks. Crayon Rocks are geared toward children with special needs to help them learn basic writing skills. Who are they and how did they start? Crayon Rocks were developed by Barbara Lee, a special needs teacher who worked with elementary aged children for 23 years. She invented Crayon Rocks after being inspired by occupational therapist Jan Olsen and her Handwriting Without Tears program. She learned from Mrs. Olsen how important it was for children to develop a strong tripod grip early in their education process — handwriting skills depend upon this. Seeing that a simple tool to develop these skills in young children wasn't readily available, Ms. Lee set out t...